July 10, 2023

How to Use Facebook Pixel Data to Target More Visitors & Improve Your Ad Performance

When it comes to advertising campaigns, Facebook reigns supreme as the top choice to generate sales for online businesses. With over 2.6 billion monthly active users [1] and the ability to advertise through Facebook’s Ad Campaign Manager for both Facebook & Instagram, the opportunity for online, small, and large businesses to receive a return on investment is in the green. But building the right campaign that outperforms your competitors can be tough, which is why it is important to get as much data about your customer base as possible. Queue Facebook Pixel. You install it on your website, and it allows you to track your visitors and follow the actions they take. You can use the data to build a custom audience, build custom conversion avenues, and remarket your products.

How to Use Facebook Pixel Data to Target More Visitors & Improve Your Ad Performance

What Can You Do with Facebook Pixel?

Understanding your audience is the key to advertising success. But in order to understand them, you must see, understand, and know why they take the actions they take. The Facebook Pixel is an analytical tool you place on your website and it measures the actions that customers take. This data can then be used to improve, tweak, and refine your advertising campaigns. With the Pixel, you can run more dynamic ads, build custom conversion pathways, build up a custom audience, and make sure that your ad is being viewed by the right people.

How Does It Work?

The Facebook Pixel uses a base code which will need to be added to the head section of all your webpages. This base code will send pageview data to the Ad Manager. The Pixel also uses standard and custom event coding, which represents any action that a user performs on your website. This can be anything from a button click, initiating checkout or tracking when information is submitted to the contact form. There are 9 of these and they can be added to all or specific pages.

How To Build a Custom Audience With the Pixel?

The custom audience you create will be grouped based on what actions people are taking on your website. For instance, you might have an audience for those who sign up for your newsletter and another for those who add items to their cart. To set up a custom audience in Pixel, do the following.

1. Open up Facebook Pixel and select create custom audience from the top of the frame.
2. Choose what type of custom audience you want. Could be from those adding items to the wish list, initiating checkout, or viewing specific content. Then specify how long you want them to be included on this custom audience list.
3. You can add more conditions on this to refine the audience or you can exclude specific criteria to block out segments of your audience.
4. Give your audience a name and hit the create button. Your custom audience is created and now you can create ad campaigns for this audience.

How to Build a Custom Conversion with Pixel?

If you don’t add on standard events to your website through the Facebook Pixel, you can opt to create a custom conversion based on specific URL rules. This is done by doing the following.

1. Open Pixel and hit the create custom conversion at the top of the window frame.
2. Select which ad account you would like to use.
3. Select what URL rule you want to use from the drop-down list.
4. Enter the keywords for the URL rule.
5. Create a name for your audience and hit create.

Please note that if you haven’t created standard events for your website through the Facebook Pixel, you won’t be able to create any event-based URL rules.

If you want to create a custom conversion for a specific event, you will need to have the event pixels added to your website and then you will need to specify the content. For instance, if you want to create a custom conversion for an Add to Cart event, you would do the following.

1. Open Pixel and hit create custom conversion.
2. Select which ad account you would like to use.
3. Select the Pixel you want to use.
4. Define the rule you want to use – AddToCart.
5. Define the value you want to use – this could be over a specific amount or under a
specific amount of money.
6. Click next and create your audience name.

What About Remarketing Products?

You can use the Facebook Pixel to remarket products to customers who visited your website but did not purchase through display ads. In order for you to use the Pixel for those, you will need to add on event pixel codes into your website and include product ID & currency parameters.

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